TOP 9 WordPress Plugins


1. Akismet - #1 in fighting with spam. Must to have.
2. Wordpress Video Plugin - Gives you ability to insert videos from YouTube and
Google Video (and more) to your posts and pages.
3. Related Posts - Returns a list of the related entries based on active/passive
keyword matches.
4. Google Sitemaps - This plugin will create a Google compliant sitemap of your
5. MightyAdsense - Keep your adsense code and output it in posts.

6. Feedburner Feed Replacement - Forwards all feed traffic to Feedburner while
letting through some important User-Agents.
7. Secure Form Mailer Plugin - Form mailer plugin with image verification.
8. Google Analytics - This plugin makes it simple to add Google Analytics to your
blog. If you view in source of this page, you will see what I mean.
9. Ajax Newsletter - Allows users to subscribe and receive a newsletter
containing the blog latest posts. Very rich with options.

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